Kinda blue. Ish.

I got sick of the old look of my blog so I just tore it all out and started again. Just like that. Cos that's the kind of guy I am. A man of action, not words. Forceful. Decisive. Sexually Attractive.

Those of you who have been paying attention will have noticed that it used to be predominantly this colour:

I adore blue, but I'm trying to wean myself off it. In fact, until the age of 23 I refused to wear any colour other than blue. I had no time for green. Or brown. Colours like orange and yellow I laughed at. Red I also rejected, but at least I respected it. But a man cannot spend his entire life wearing only the colour blue. I understand that now.

Well, he can spend his entire life wearing only the colour blue but other people will start to remark on it after a few years or so. They will point him out as he passes on the street. "There goes the 'blue' man," they will snigger. And slowly but surely the drip-drip-drip of peer pressure and social convention will wear him down. That's what happened to me. Finally, I put on a red t-shirt, and I felt... normal. But I didn't like it.

I almost fell back into blue for good when I visited the Musee d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain in Nice - which is very big on blue. They had this there:

I had a great time. I went into one gallery where there was a large white space the floor of which was totally covered in a deep, gorgeous royal blue poster paint. I can't remember the name of the artist [It was Yves Klein - thanks to Dan Chalwin for remembering]. It looked like the surface of the moon, except it was blue. I went nuts. It was like I was trying to eat up all that blue with my eyes. I couldn't get enough of it. I felt a tremendous urge to just throw myself into it.

Suddenly a security guard shouted at me. Without even realising it, I had climbed onto the top of the brass railing keeping viewers out of the installation.

Are there other people out there like this? Except maybe they go bonkers when they see particularly nice shades of red or green, or perhaps burnt sienna?


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