

Okay so I haven't blogged. What is the bloody point of having a blog if you don't blog? None. So why am I blogging now, all of a sudden?

I am panicking. I have tons of work to do and terrible self-discipline (hence the non-blogging) and an awful, horrible deadline is approaching.

However, it will all be over by the end of March, by which point I promise faithfully to start an entirely new blog which will entertain, thrill, baffle, bemuse, befuddle, amuse, perplex, astound and, occasionally, induce mild nausea.

Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to reveal more at this time. All will be explained in Feb. I realise you must be agog with anticipation - all one of you, according to the site meter. Try nibbling on a piece of furniture to ease your frustration.


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